Valencia County, NM

Valencia County / NEW MEXICO

$ 3,000

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Property overview

$ 3,000
Cash Sale
Valencia County / NEW MEXICO
10 acres

This Land is Located at Valencia, New Mexico. This Type of property is Surrounded by Public and Private Schools, and Cafeteria Area. Public Schools near at the property are Jaramillo Elementary located at 900 Esperanza dr Belen, Rio Grande Elementary at 15 East side  rd Belen, Central Elementary at 600 Picard Ave Belen, Belen High at 1619 west delgado Ave Belen and Belen Consolidated Schools at 520 North Main Belen. A private school near are St. Mary’s Catholic School Belen at Church and 10TH st. Belen, and the Christ the king Lutheran School at 700 Camelot Blvd SW Los Lunas.

According to the environmental protection agencies, planting trees is a must if we want to save our planet. Not only trees but also veggies remove harmful chemicals from the soil, but also help reduce the greenhouses leading to global warming. Go on and see how planting helps the environment. Here are the veggies you can plant in your land in Valencia County:  Architoke which is best to be planted in the month of March if you are a direct sower, it can be also planted indoors in the month of January and can be transplant by April. You can also add Arugula, Asian Greens, Broccoli, Broccoli Raab, Brokali, Cabbages, Celery, Chinese Cabbage, Collards, Corn Salad , Endive, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Mesclun, Microgreens, Mustards, Rhubarb and Spinach in your list which are good to be planted in the month of February to March in average last frost. If you love planting indoor,Asparagus is one of your best choice to plant that can be planted indoor during the month of  March until May the middle. Another healthy plants you can add in your list which is the beans that can be planted during the month of March until the middle of May as well as Beets in the month of February to May the middle in average last frost. You can also plant spices in your garden like onions in the month of February to March. Tomato on the other hand in the month of Februay-May. Fruit like Watermelon during April to May. Aside from that, Squash, Zucchini, Swiss Chard , Pumpkins, Peas, Okra, honeydew and cucumber are can be planted during or within this month March-June.

Claim it today before someone beats you to it!

Valencia County, NM |$3,999|10 Acres


Size (Acres): 10 Acres
APN: 1-001-030-297-297-000000
Legal description: LOT:29 SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST LOT 29 10.00
State: New Mexico
County: Valencia
General Elevation: 5,027 ft.
GPS:  34.689085,-106.876625
Conveyance Document: Special Warranty deed
Power: none
Water: none
Sewer: none
Roads: To be determined via map
Tax Status: Current

About the Seller: I am Luke Smith. I review thousands of properties for every one that I buy in order to bring you the best deal possible. The pricing I get them at is reflected in the pricing of what I am selling them for. They are priced at half the current market price or less to sell (and not be listed for years). Because of their price they don’t usually stay for sale for very long. The first one to go to pay for it gets it. There is a checkout button on my site. If you would like to pay another way please let me know and I will help set it up.

If you are interested in one of my properties please Google your questions and or check out the FAQ section on my website. I have never been to this property. Everything I know about the property is on my website.

Luke Smith

1106 2nd St #851
Encinitas CA, 92024

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  • Baths-
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  • Area0.14 acres

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