SOLD-Adjoined Lot a total of 9.07 acres! Own this now and explore Arizona!

ARIZONA / Apache County

$ 3,800

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Property overview

$ 3,800
203-54-005C and 203-54-005H
Cash Sale
ARIZONA / Apache County
9.07 acres

9.07-acre lot in Apache County, Arizona perfect for agricultural use. This property is a combination of two properties together nestled just 12.5 miles northeast of St Johns.  The most scenic and shortest drive between Phoenix, Arizona, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, passes through St. Johns. Instead of only appreciating the sweet town from your car, stop and stay awhile. You’ll find plenty to enjoy.

“The town of friendly neighbors” is the motto for St. Johns and that sums up the close-knit family community well. The annual events speak volumes about how much this town enjoys coming together to celebrate. Time your trip to take part in Buffalo Daze, Pioneer Days, Apache County Fair, the Christmas Parade, St. Johns SummerFest, or the Fourth of July Celebration. There are also many equestrian-related events including competitions that draw participants from across the Southwest. The rolling countryside provides excellent footing for horses – and scenic views for riders.

What are you waiting for? Call us now to learn more! 


Cash Price: $3,800

Parcel #: 203-54-005C and 203-54-005H

County: Apache County AZ

Parcel Size: 9.07 acres (5 & 4.07 acres)

Legal Description: Section: 15 Township: 13N Range: 29E (LOT 6-C) COM SW COR NELY 1873.08′ TO POB S 386.35′ SELY 665.45′ NELY 271.23′ NWLY 940.59′ TO POB & Section: 15 Township: 13N Range: 29E (LOT3) COM SW COR E 381.84′ NELY 1330.59′ TO POB SELY 665.45′ SWLY 246.88′ W 293.81′ N 648.92′ TO POB.

GPS Center Coordinates: 34.528817, -109.256502

GPS Coordinates (4 Corners): 

34.530539, -109.257312

34.528624, -109.255009

34.527610, -109.256218

34.527604, -109.257205

34.529512, -109.257224


Elevation: 6063 ft

Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Dirt

Zoning:  Agricultural General

Terrain: Flat

Time limit: None

Tax Amount: $12.62 / $10.20 – 2019

HOA: They don’t have any idea

Water:  Would need to dig a water 

Sewer: Would need to install septic

Power: At the street

About the Seller: I am Chris Rivera. I review thousands of properties for everyone that I buy in order to bring you the best deal possible. The pricing I get them at is reflected in the pricing of what I am selling them for. They are priced at half the current market price or less to sell (and not be listed for years). Because of their price they don’t usually stay for sale for very long. The first one to go to pay for it gets it. There is a checkout button on my site. If you would like to pay another way please let me know and I will help set it up.

If you are interested in one of my properties please Google your questions and or check out the FAQ section on my website. I have never been to this property. Everything I know about the property is on my website.

Chris Rivera

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