SOLD – 2.16 Acres in Llano, zoned Heavy Agriculture

Los Angeles County / CALIFORNIA

$ 17,995

Property detail

Property overview

$ 17,995
Terms Sale
Los Angeles County / CALIFORNIA
2.16 acres





Payment Options

Discounted CASH Price


OWNER FINANCING Available with $0 upfront $400 Doc Fee

$342 X 75 months


* Located on a mapped road
* Electric available on Fort Tejon Rd

* Great physical & legal access

*Buyer to make their own independent investigations regarding zoning & General Plan Designations, Hazard Zones, Availability & Costs of utilities.

Los Angeles County, CA

APN: 3064-002-039

Located on Fort Tejon Rd
LLANO, CA 93544



ACRES: 2.16

Legal Description

LEGAL: S 1/2 OF E 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 (EX OF ST) OF LOT 2


3427’27.80″ N 11740’38.11″ W

Zoned Agricultural

The lot(s) you inquired about is/are in the A-2 (Heavy Agriculture) zone. Here is a link to the FAQs from our website:Residential and Agricultural FAQ | DRP . Basically, this is like a R-1 zone, in that it allows one single-family residence (SFR) per lot. An SFR can be a mobile home, modular, manufactured home, or traditional build but all must have permits.

In order to live on the lot, you must go through the entire building permit process for your SFR and have the permits for it before placing or building it on the lot. Temporary housing such as trailers, unpermitted mobile homes, and RVs are not permitted.

There are a few issues that you may want to know about this lot:

The lot requires an Unconditional Certificate of Compliance (COC) before you can build. More information about COCs can be found at this link: Certificate of Compliance FAQ | DRP

The lot may have joshua trees on it. You should not remove any joshua trees (even if they appear dead) or disturb the plants or ground near the joshua trees. And when you are ready to get permits for a home, please design the project so that it avoids impacting joshua trees or the area around them. Another option is to apply to the State for an incidental take permit for any Joshuas you must disturb. You can find more information, and Regional Office contacts to apply for a take permit, at this link: Incidental Take Permits

The lot is within a Significant Ecological Area (SEA). You should not remove any plants (even if they appear dead) or alter the land in any way until you have permits to do so. Within an SEA, there are often special permits required before you can do anything on the land. I am including a link to our website with helpful information about SEAs: Significant Ecological Areas (SEAs) FAQ | DRP

utilities serving the lot*.

For water, youd need a water company connection/meter, or drill a well for your SFR (trucked-in water is not allowed).

For electricity, please contact Southern California Edison (SCE) to see if electrical power would be available to the lot. In most cases, the County does not allow a SFR to be entirely off the grid from SCE. (i.e.: Even if you install wind or solar power, you still need an SCE connection).

*Here are the phone numbers to call utility companies to find out the cost and process of bringing utilities to this lot, if available:

Southern California Edison (SCE) 661-726-5617

LA County Water Co. 661-940-9270

Sewer 626-300-3309

The Gas Company 877-238-0092

Google Map Link:

All information we have on this property is disclosed within the content of the listing page.
Any and all other information on this property should be directed toward the city or county of which the property is located in.
Your due diligence should be performed, to ensure the property meets your needs and criteria.

About the Seller:

We are a husband and wife who love to invest in land.
We review thousands of properties for everyone that we buy in order to bring you the BEST deal possible.
The pricing we get them at is reflected in the pricing of what I am selling them for. They are priced at half the current market price or less TO SELL.
Because of their price they don’t usually stay for sale for very long.

The buyer is responsible for learning all the restrictions from the county/ township/ planning and zoning office.
What you can or cannot legally do on the land is controlled by the local government, not by us or any seller.
Please contact the county, providing them with the parcel number, to confirm zoning, access, and available utilities.

Thank you for searching and talking interest in our land!

Patrycja & Tom with Land Addiction

If you have any questions, TEXT Patricia: 773-398-8027

Patrycja Zak with Land Addiction

Contact Form



$ 1,625 OR $250 DOWN & $195 MONTH FOR 18 MONTHS

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$ 7,495 OR $495 DOWN & $350 @ 24 MONTHS

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