SOLD – Cheapest 1/4 Section in New Mexico, 160 acres


$ 18,999

Property detail

Property overview

$ 18,999
Cash Sale
160 acres

This property is located at Tucumcari, NM. This very vast area allows for investment possibilities, vacation, or settling down in a corner of the world that does not run short of things to do. Golfing, swimming, fishing, boating or sailing are a few of Quay County’s many resources to keep you busy. From here, you are 18 min drive along I-40 E to J Store where you can get general merchandise. You can send a letter via US Post office in just 21-minute drive. Gas your vehicle in Shell gas station 16 miles away. If you have kids the Tucumcari High School is just 16 miles away.


Price $18,999
Size(Acres): 160
APN: 119406939613200
State: NM
County: Quay
GPS: 35.248338, -103.458850
My best estimated guess as to where the four corners are:

SE 35.2446817, -103.4544172
NE 35.255432, -103.4544172
SW 35.244731, -103.463260
NW 35.251990, -103.463260

General Elevation: 3,819 ft.
Legal Description: The Southeast Quarter of Section 20 in Township 12 North of Range 33 East of the New Mexico Meridian, New Mexico.
Document Type: Special Warranty Deed
Conveyance Document: Special Warranty Deed
Zoning: Residential
Power: None
Water: None
Sewer: None
Roads: To be determined via map
Property Tax: $40.36
Association Dues: None, No HOA or other neighborhood rules here.
Time Limit to Build: None
Type of Terrain: Flat to rolling
Closing/Doc. Fees: None

About the Seller: I am Luke Smith. I review thousands of properties for every one that I buy in order to bring you the best deal possible. The pricing I get them at is reflected in the pricing of what I am selling them for. They are priced at half the current market price or less to sell (and not be listed for years). Because of their price they don’t usually stay for sale for very long. The first one to go to pay for it gets it. There is a checkout button on my site. If you would like to pay another way please let me know and I will help set it up.

If you are interested in one of my properties please Google your questions and or check out the FAQ section on my website. I have never been to this property. Everything I know about the property is on my website

Please call Luke to buy this one 760-392-1525

Luke Smith

1106 2nd St #851
Encinitas CA, 92024

Contact Form

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